Who we are

The Malta Eczema Society is a non-governmental non-profit organisation. It was set up in 2001 to help those with eczema and their families. It aims to provide support, information and practical advice via public talks and other activities and to increase awareness about eczema and the problems it may cause. The society has organized regular public talks about eczema by prominent local dermatologists and other speakers. We also give practical advice through our website and social media channels.

In Malta there are between 10% and 15% of children and about 5% of adults suffering from eczema.

The Malta Eczema Society relies solely on donations and fundraising events in order to support patients.

The Malta Eczema Society has been working hard for over twenty years to give information about eczema for a better quality of life for patients and their caregivers. We also work hard to give a voice for people with eczema by raising awareness about the condition and campaign for better medical care.

September 14th is World Eczema Day and together with other countries around the world we have been conducting an annual campaign to give more information about this condition and to help people understand that skin diseases are as important as other diseases.

  • 2003 – Survey of teachers in Maltese schools to assess eczema awareness. The survey confirmed widespread misconceptions e.g. more than 10% of teachers wrongly thought that eczema is contagious and many did not know about its career implications. Subsequently an informative article about eczema was published in ‘The Teacher’ magazine and lectures were given to Guidance and Health & Safety teachers.
  • 2006 – Publication of 40-page eczema information booklet about eczema for patients in English & Maltese. Click here to download.
  • 2007 – Website set up: http://mes.madv.org.mt
  • 2008 – Malta Eczema Society joined the Malta Health Network (network of NGOs & Patient support groups).
  • 2018 – Malta Eczema Society joined the International Alliance of Dermatology Patients Organizations to advocate and give a voice on an international level for our patients
  • 2018 – Malta Eczema Society joined representatives of other countries in Utrecht, Holland for the Georg Rajka Symposium organized by the International Society of Atopic Dermatitis (ISAD).
  • 2019 – Malta Eczema Society attended workshops for advocacy organized by Global Skin in Madrid and Milan. Where our secretary Melissa Zarb shared her quality of life and burdens with living with eczema.
  • 2023 – Malta Eczema Society joined the Global Allergy and Airway Patient Platform as most eczema sufferers also develop different types of allergies .
  • 2023 – Malta Eczema Society attended the International Alliance of Dermatology Patients Organizations ELEVATE 2023 Conference


Meet our team

Dr M.J. Boffa
Mrs M. Zarb
Mrs J. Vella
Mrs M. Bongalais
Mrs J. Borg
Wayne Zammit

Helping you since 2001

The Malta Eczema Society was set up in 2001 to help those with eczema and their families. The need for such a group in Malta, as found in other countries, had been felt for a long time. The society aims to help by providing support, information and practical advice via public talks and other activities and to increase awareness about eczema and the problems it may cause.

The Malta Eczema Society has also repeatedly lobbied the Maltese Health Authorities regarding entitlement for free medication for eczema sufferers. Until recently, patients with eczema, unlike those with other chronic conditions, were not eligible for any free medication for their condition no matter how severe and chronic it was because eczema was not included in the Schedule V list of chronic diseases. This was very unfair and discriminatory.

We are pleased to note that in 2021 the Schedule V list was amended to include patients with severe chronic forms of eczema. This was a big step in the right direction. However it is disappointing that new effective medications for severe eczema such as dupilumab and JAK inhibitors, which have been used in other countries for several years, are still not available in Malta. It is hoped that these will now become available here too. The MES will continue to insist that available funds should be utilised according to patients’ needs and that patients should not be discriminated according to which chronic disease they are unlucky enough to have. Eczema sufferers pay taxes like everyone else and should be given the assistance they deserve like other patients.

& Events

Summer Fundraising Event

24th July 2024
South Siders - Restolounge & Lido Wied il-Ghajn

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Winter Fun Days

Posted on Tuesday 5th December, 2023

People with eczema can enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor activities while taking precautions to manage their condition.
Remember to moisturize before and after engaging in outdoor activities, and have your prescribed medications or creams on hand for any flare-ups.
Your specific eczema triggers and comfort levels may vary, so it’s essential to adapt these activities to your individual needs and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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